Nursing & Physician’s VOLUNTOURISM
An Introduction

Those engaged by these experiences are touched by what they see and do. To be able to get a little “extra” by combining touring with volunteering creates a life-enriching trip that helps put life in perspective.

For when we give freely of ourselves with our medical professionalism to others less fortunate, the greatest reward is also to ourselves.

Visit a remote village in Costa Rica, and teach healthy diets, diabetic &, hypertension prevention & dental health. Visit an orphanage in Peru and connect with a child as you do an assessment of vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respiration, temperature). Spend a day in a village school in Mexico passing out paper, pens and books (something these children rarely see), while checking vision and hearing assessments.

It has been our experience that when a travel itinerary combines touring with volunteering, you create an even more life-enriching trip that helps put life into perspective. This is what Voluntourism is all about.